"The Yo Yo Lady" and family. Pic courtesy of Mimi Zeiger
Like anywhere Berkeley has its own local celebrities. It is also a destination for various luminaries for various reasons. Check out this cool story from reader Leather Sammie,
“My mom is gone now, but she was so Berkeley I was allowed to go across the street and hang out with Jefferson Airplane while they practiced. Grace Slick used to make the BEST cookies! They would sit me and a plate of cookies to one side and play and play. I could sit in there as long as I wanted! I thought I was cool!”
Here’s what you mom thinks about various well known people.
Your mom is so Berkeley…
...she made you feel like you knew a celebrity when Michael Ellsberg started at your school (apologies, Michael).
...you thought about booing when then VP Bush and Gov. Deukmajian visited your elementary school.
...your first CD was a Grateful Dead album that your friend designed the cover artwork for
...my mom wrote an article about her for the East Bay Express.
...she used to hang out and drink coffee with those dudes who are now homeless and crazy and she knows them by name and has stories about them
…you thought Angela Davis must be a family friend, what with all the pictures of her at home.
…childhood pictures involve the Bubble Lady, the Med, the Polka Dot Man or being naked in the campus fountain.
…HER mom sat on Alan Ginsberg's lap!
…she misses listening to The Bob's at the annual KPFA craft fair.
…she used to take me by Grove Street on my way to school each day so I could wave at Mr. Charles.
Mr. Charles was the best. He always made my day.