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YMISB she drew spider legs on all the old gum on the sidewalk |
Today we're going to depart a little from our usual format. We've been having some fun over on the Facebook page with a quiz that was recently posted by the Daily Cal. The quiz purports to tell you what Berkeley street best fits your character.
There were some claims that the results are random. Louise said, "YMISB she took the 'quiz' several times keeping her answers the same each time but alternating which Daily Cal button she pushed. "See kids, these internet things are just a ruse . . ." The implication is that the only driver of difference was which Daily Cal button you choose. Anne claimed the issues ran even deeper, "I've taken it 3 times. Each time I picked the same answers (even the same "Daily Cal"), and each time it gave me a different street (Telegraph, College, and Cedar)."Of course, since most Cal students are not Berkeley natives the response from YMISBers was mixed at best. Some people were happy with what the quiz spat out. Others claimed that a "real" Berkeley quiz wouldn't include a reference to Starbucks rather than Peet's. Could it be that the Starbucks question was intended to ID transplants? Who knows. Whatever the case the comments section was soon flooded with street/personality descriptions that were important to native or long time Berkeley folks.
I've listed some of the comments below. It gets pretty deep into esoteric Berkeley cartography so even you natives may need to fire up Google Maps to get every one of them.
"You are Frontage Road. You're smelly at low tide and a bit sketchy/possibly dangerous. Same goes for the people who associate with you."
"You are Panoramic. You are high and have expensive tastes. You somehow manage to intersect yourself. You confuse everyone except those close to you."
"You are Marin Ave. People find you to be either a struggle or a thrill. You intimidate posers with your depth and contours. Every once in a while people roll pumpkins down you."
"You are King St. People are a little afraid of you and no one is surprised that you are on the way to Alcatraz. Many think you are actually from Oakland."
"You are Dohr St. You are short and oddly fragmented. Even though you've been around a long time most people in your community have never heard of you. You're like that person who shows up at reunion and everyone thinks you're a crasher from a different class."
"You are Dwight Crescent. Your very existence is a bit puzzling as you seem to serve no purpose other than to confuse otherwise mundane situations. People take you for granted and would only notice you if you disappeared. But even then they would say, "Whatever happened to that one um...you know, the..the person who we...gosh, what was the name? Anyway, it was easier when they were here, but I guess it's not super important." Then they would realize a slight down tick in local accidents."
"You are Cedar St. You're useful and nondescript. Like you're fine and everything but you're basically just a longer version of Rose and people often confuse you two."
"You are Hopkins. You get all your hook ups from Sacramento. When you meet people they usually know you because, "Oh yeah! you live over by the pool right?" Yup, that's you alright, everybody loves the pool. Respect."
"You are Josephine. You are my girlfriend from Jr year. WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME??!!!! I mean, um, you're a street. Just a regular street that I have never thought of since high school. (Good save Berto. Yeah. Good save)"
"You are Bonar. You really like the color red. You have a really nice side, and a side that's kind of dangerous and brings down the value of those around you. Even with your well deserved reputation the people closest to you love you intensely and stick up for you when outsiders talk trash. Just, y'know, please keep them babies out the street."
"You are Henry. People are always making lame candy bar jokes about your name. You always claim that you hate it, but deep down you know it's better than being ignored."
"You are Grizzly Peak. You can be aloof in a way that some people find pretentious. Part of it is that you spend a lot of your day in a fog. You engender some resentment, but though you keep your inner circle small and hard to penetrate you do welcome visitors to come and play. Those who take that opportunity are happier for having done it."
"Vine St: you are mostly unnoticed between your more popular siblings Rose and Cedar, but prone to fits of rage at 8am when you are shortcutting to work. All that gourmet food has gone to your head."
"You are Oxford. Sure, there were some twists and turns early on, but then you straightened out. So we were all pretty surprised when you suddenly decided you were "Fulton." I mean, we accept it, but if I'm totally honest it was a little disorienting at first."
And finally: "YMISB she got Hopkins; the Himilayan Ghetto."
So, what would you add? Let us know in the comments.