
"Your Mom is So Berkeley" started out as a joke at work. We thought it was funny so I wrote a note for some friends on facebook. They thought it was funny so I made a facebook group. The "Your Mom is so Berkeley" facebook group now has over 2,500 members so I've decided to bring it out to a wider audience. I hope you like it.

Contact us: yourmomissoberkeley@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @yourmomissoberk

YMISB In the News


When I first created the "Your Mom is So Berkeley" facebook group I really thought it would be something that a dozen friends would giggle about for a couple days and then we would forget all about it.  Here we are now out on the general interwebs.  Below are links to articles about YMISB so you too can see how we came to be here.


Our first local media attention came in this early mention at Berkeleyside.com from December 2009.

Then not a lot happened until my facebook message about amassing 1,000 members was deemed worthy of a second Berkeleyside blurb in March of 2010.

Soon after that I was contacted by Richard C. Paddock of the New York Times.  He had seen the Berkeleyside piece and was keen to do an interview about the facebook group.  I thought that seemed neat so we talked about a week later.  The following Friday this little article ran in the national edition of The New York Times.

BOOM!  Over the next two weeks we added roughly 900 members.  Then one day a member posted that there had been a tease for a story about the group on the local NBC affiliate's 11 o'clock news.  The story didn't run that night but we were able to get in touch with KNTV and set up this interview.  The associated video, which ran on the 11:00pm, 4:30am, and 5:00am news, is not available yet but I'll post it when I find it.

So, what's next?  Maybe nothing.  Maybe this is the extent of our 15 minutes of fame.  But maybe we'll get a little more pub and the idea of a "Your Mom is So Berkeley" book will gather steam.

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.

More mentions out in the world:

December 2009: We were mentioned in the open of this piece on the Berkeley street style blog Work It Berk.

May 2010: Our event, "Your Mother's Day is so Berkeley" got a little run on on Berkeleyside and at Buy Local Berkeley.

May 2010: We are an answer in this San Fransisco Magazine quiz.

May 2010: It was good month for us.  We were the lead in for this fashion item on 510 Famillies.

 August 2011: A link to one of our articles once again from the good folks at Berkeleyside