
"Your Mom is So Berkeley" started out as a joke at work. We thought it was funny so I wrote a note for some friends on facebook. They thought it was funny so I made a facebook group. The "Your Mom is so Berkeley" facebook group now has over 2,500 members so I've decided to bring it out to a wider audience. I hope you like it.

Contact us: yourmomissoberkeley@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @yourmomissoberk

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Religion and Holidays I

 Photo courtesy of Regan Haines

Dude, I don't even know where to start with some of these.  Dude, what's up with your mom?

Your mom is so Berkeley...

… she has an emergency stash of dreamcatchers. Just in case. 

… she thought the Palistinians were Jews.

… she had you lay on the floor while she smudged you with burning sage and called in the 4 directions before every airplane trip.

…she tells you all "Quick hide! We're not home!" when religious people come to your house to talk to you.

…she made it a point to bring you to parties where everyone danced around the maypole.

…she forbade you to date your first crush because you were incompatible with a Sagitarius and she had the charts to prove it

…when you was three she let me go trick or treating but she didn’t tell you that you could eat the "shapes" that they gave you

… she and ur pops let you go trick or treating, but made you give the candy to the "halloween witch" who left you a toy instead

…she handed out raisins and sticks of Carefree gum on Halloween

…she is a firm believer of 'mercury in retrograde' and warns of bad astrology forecasts =)

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