
"Your Mom is So Berkeley" started out as a joke at work. We thought it was funny so I wrote a note for some friends on facebook. They thought it was funny so I made a facebook group. The "Your Mom is so Berkeley" facebook group now has over 2,500 members so I've decided to bring it out to a wider audience. I hope you like it.

Contact us: yourmomissoberkeley@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @yourmomissoberk

Friday, May 7, 2010

Moms on Moms.

Every so often a mom posts about what she thinks makes her “so Berkeley.”  For Mother’s Day we’ve decided to give the Berkeley moms a chance to talk about themselves.  I know Mother's Day is on Sunday, but we don't post on the weekends so here's an early start to your Mother's Day weekend.  Hope to see you all tomorrow at the Your Mother's Day is So Berkeley picnic in Tilden Park.

 Here they are:

I am so Berkeley…

When my daughter graduated from BHS, I gave her a round trip ticket to Cuba. What was I thinking?

Oh no, these sound so much like me. And I've never even lived in Berkeley.

I am so much a Berkeley mom that my son tells everyone he was the only guy at Cal to be chastised by his mother for having his hair too *short*!

I am such a Berkeley Mom that I joined this group to see what my kids are saying about me!

Yes, my sons joined and I can laugh. Hey, I still live in Berkeley. And I probably painted some of your faces.

I'm a Berkeley mom and proud of it. I tried (unsuccessfully) to make my child wash used produce bags!

Daughters tell me I am so Berkeley cuz Grandpa told me to "stand in the back, don't get arrested, and don't tell your mother." I guess they're right.

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